Gherand Samhita of Gherand Muni (english)
Product Code: CAS 63 S
Availability: 6
Gheraṇḍa Samhita is one of the most important text on Hathayoga written by Gheranda Muni. Gheranda Muni has preferred to call it a text on Ghaṭastha Yoga or Ghaṭayoga rather than Hathayoga. It is also true that the topics described in the text are exactly the same topics that we find in a text on Hathayoga. The text can be said to be a handy and complete manual of Hathayogic practices. It describes 105 practices divided into 21 cleansing processes under six popular cleansing processes, 32 āsanas, 25 Mudras which includes five Dharaṇās, 11 types of Prāṇāyāma practices, 5 types of Pratyāhāra, 5 types of Dhyana under three main categories of Dhyana and 6 types of the technique of Samadhi. And it has been confirmed that finally as a result of these practices one can attain liberation
Tags: Gherand Samhita of Gherand Muni (english), Gyan Shankar Sahay